There are plenty of exciting places that are preferred by couples, dinning in Houston, Tx. Most don't require that the person with you be your spouse, so if you have a significant other, a bunch of close friends from your Midtown Houston apartment complex, you can bring them, her or him along too.
We didn't limit our selection criteria to traditional dining rooms or generic menu items. We went on the hunt and discovered intimate, distinctive and different places where a majority of the patrons are lovers and couples. ,
List of Places for Intimate Dining
Dinner cruise
Star gazing
Balloon flight
Wine & Cheese Tours
We'll start with the two-hour dinner cruise on Clear Lake and Galveston Bay. A chance to dine on the water, bathed in moonlight is a romantic dining experience available on yachts in the Houston area.
The cruise onboard the huge yacht, will lift your spirit, senses and sensuality as you enjoy a few perks.and special views of :
sunsets on the water.
cruise by the Kemah Boardwalk
romantic dinner
The current schedule shows that the romantic dinner cruise last from 5:pm to 7:pm. You need to plan ahead and get there early unless you want to be left ashore when the yacht pulls away.
Here's some of the other romantic places to dine in Houston on our list. These places and their incredibly tasty food will be featured later issues.
Mystery diner cruise on a yachts
Breakfast cruise In Houston
Dinner cruise
Moonlight boat ride on Armand bayou
They feature romantic atmospheres, foster stimulating conversation and create a peaceful, enjoyable evening away from home that many couples in Houston long for.
All of these exciting jaunts require reservations and payments in advance. They are often sold out, so check with the individual websites to make sure seats are available and don't just show up on the day of the cruise thinking you'll be allowed onboard.
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Romantic Dinning In Houston
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